Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Introducing our newest members to the 100 club. 
Congratulations Carmen!

We are DRUG FREE Kindergartners!


We read a cute story about a boy and things that make him cranky.Then we made our own Crankenstein and even wrote a sentence about what makes us cranky.

Here in Kindergarten it is an expectation that we be able to write our numbers to 100 before the end of the school year.

Look who wrote their numbers to 100!! 

Lauren , Madison and Ingrid!

Friday, October 23, 2015


Pumpkins were the theme for the week!

We were so busy learning about the life cycle of a pumpkin. In math we became scientist! We used pumpkins to talk about height, weight, circumference. Then we examined the inside and outside of our pumpkin. We found out pumpkins float they don't sink. Here is a look at some of our great learning experiences:

We worked on counting by 10's pumpkin style.

Fall / Leaves

We had a busy week learning all about the signs of fall and leaves. We enjoyed our outdoor classroom with Mrs. Patton at the Ruthven Nature Center.

Guest Reader Mrs. Schmidt 
our School Superintendent. She shared some of her kids favorite Halloween books!

Friday, October 9, 2015

Thursday, October 8, 2015

More Apple Fun!

We read Apples on Top by Dr. Seuss and then created our own apples on top!