Tuesday, April 5, 2016


Our special day arrived today! We received 6 eggs on Monday and 1 hatched Monday night and Tuesday we even got to see 4 of them hatch from their eggs. It was quite the sight! The kids are so in awe of them. Here are some pictures from the day.
We will observe them all week to learn about the life cycle of a chicken!

Alligator Fun!
                                                  Alligators can, have, and are


Trying to follow a recipe!

Ingrid following her recipe.

Matthew loves his Alligator pie!

YUM YUMMY ,Madison loves Alligator Pie !

Our alligators with some facts!

Oviparous Animals:
 Mrs. Patton came today to talk about life cycles .She talked about the animals that hatch out of an egg.