Tuesday, October 11, 2016

 We enjoyed our outdoor classroom with Mrs. Patton at the Ruthven Nature Center.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

This week here in kindergarten we started learning all about apples.

We started off by tasting red, yellow,and green apples to see what flavor was our class favorite then we graphed it.

Next we created a book about the life cycle of an apple and even learned some new vocabulary words.

We used our senses to explore our apples. 

Apple Science Experiment 

Making Apple sauce 

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Homecoming Fun!

Favorite team day!

Mrs. Jensen's Hawkeye Fans!

Our Color of the day was BLUE!

"er" day 


Pajama Day!

Our Outdoor Classroom   

What a perfect fall day for our trip to Howard's Prairie! Mrs. Patton talked to us about prairies, the animals that live in a prairie, and let us walk in a prairie.

Solara got to dress up like a bison from the prairie.

Last we got to tour the little cabin in the prairie.
They all decided that it would be fun to live in a cabin!!
Maybe for awhile no bathroom or tv.